Blog Post 10- Sarah F

  I think that there are many different directions that the future of writing and literature could head in. Everyday technology is advancing, and I think that the future of writing will evolve with this progression. I think VR literature would be very cool and I think it would incline more people to discover great literature. As a journalism major, I can see a lot of different directions in which reporting, and writing could be taken in. One, in particular, would have to be VR. I think VR would enable journalists to elicit more of an emotional response from readers. It’s pretty common for journalists to have a bad reputation. With boatloads of fake news and evident bias, VR would enable journalists to not only be creative but report on facts and even send readers to the setting of the story. I was also thinking while exploring materials like Motto, that it would be cool if social media sites started using more VR as well. Maybe the news could even be told through VR on social media. That would certainly incline me to read it more!

Going back to earlier in the semester, I also think that audio storytelling is a wonderful way to communicate news and stories. Even though this mode of storytelling is already prevalent, I think that within the next few years, so many new auditory news and storytelling modes will be discovered. I would say that this is my favorite mode of storytelling. I have started to enjoy more podcast-style audio stories and a great podcast that I am recommending is the Mystery Show: Case #2 Britney hosted by Starlee Kine from Gimlet. It is a really interesting take on dissecting the life of a celebrity and how a simple book can turn into a run-in with Britney Spears herself.


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