Blog 10 - Jerry

 I think the future of digital writing and literature will look a lot more refined and perhaps even more alternative than it is now. Writing is something that's been around so long, but now with the digital realm for people to not only write in but create new mediums for that writing to take place in, people, I think, will go on to create some really unique and powerful writings that may stand out on their own and really establish digital media writing as a realm that can stand on it's own. I think the possibilities of something digital can look vastly different than something traditional like a book, but the purpose of it is still the same: which is to share our life experiences and give our opinions in one way or another about it, even fiction writing draws inspiration from real life so, my point is that no matter what digital writing may look like one day, the motivations will probably be around the same thing we've always had for writing; which is to say I think it's possible that one day we will see some digital form of storytelling that seems very alien but will also be very profound and perhaps relevant to the age we find ourselves living in. In summary I have high hopes for future writers and the mediums that they will explore, since it may be nothing I can even imagine right now. For instance, if a virtual reality thing comes out and it's "magnum opus" levels of ingenuity and relevancy, I can see that greatly impacting cultural development and cultural perception of writing's place in our world. I don't think it's about ascending the format of a book, but instead just exploring and eventually digging out a new stream, so to say, for writers to travel down and create things in, and ultimately create something new that's appropriate to what becomes the "modern" world.


  1. I also have high hope for future digital/ multimodal writers. As humans we naturally want the new and next best thing so we are constantly going to try and find ways to do something a little bit different than before. We are constantly looking to evolve. I'm not saying that digital/multimodal format is particularly an evolution in that it is better or greater than traditional novels. As you said, the two are just different and have their own unique and meaningful ways of connecting us with one another.


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