Winter Short

Winter Short

I peek my tired eyes through the icy windowpane of my backdoor. I’m blinded by the sun's reflection as it beams off a sheet of white. The childish excitement consumes me from the overnight snowfall. Gripping our sleek black door handle, I creak open its wide silhouette. The pressure from the exterior wind scurries inside as white powder fills the air. I turn to find my youthful dog rushing past my exposed shins. She hurdles through the air and lands profoundly onto our porch. I measure the depth of the snow from the height that consumes Maya as she explores. Curiosity races through my mind as I quickly gather my clothing. Layers on layers, I’m bundled beneath its tight confinement. I grab my handmade pink sparkling scarf to add a touch of color on this neutral day. I glimpse outside to find delicate stalks of ice dangled from our roof. I admire its vigorous build, an overnight fascination. Uncovering my lilac fingernails, I snatch my icy weapon. Amazed with my discovery, I’m curious to put it to use. Stretching my arms back, I fling it through the air to strike the white covering below. Satisfied, I plunge forward letting the silky snow catch my fall. Lifting one boot at a time, I balance the weight of my layers to carry me through its dense coatings. The heat of my breath creates a cloud, the breath of a conquered dragon. I’m quiet as I embrace the moment of silence, a moment of contemplation.

Sean greets me in the yard, bundled in his dark ski jacket thrilled for our day together. We greet the pines trees that live in our side yard. They’re lined in rows but are curled from the weight of the powder. They create a tunnel that transforms us into our winter wonderland. It’s dim and shaded but protects us from the crisp wind that rules the day. Although, our bodies are kept warm from the layers that insulate our temperature. We approach our rusty basement overhead, its slope is perfect. We condense layers to create the perfect ridge, filling every crack to ensure it wouldn’t succumb. I shovel snow between my hands, ignoring the loose flakes that are shaken under my gloves. I rise to the top with Sean, towering towards the glistening lumber that surrounded my backyard. Steadily placing my sled on top, I take a step onto my board maintaining my balance. I inhale deeply, pushing off of my brother to snowboard down our man-made cliff. Welcoming my landing, I tumble into the powder that catches me below. Laughing and smiling into the blue sky, my cheeks flush with glee. Snowfall kisses me lightly on my eyelashes from my not so graceful landing. We head for the backdoor, it's time to warm up and unwind. Boots near the back door, slush tracked across the dining room.


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