Blog #4

 All of these videos and articles were really touching to me. They each showed a very vulnerable side to one's life because of how they were portrayed. The Ted Talk with Jaed Coffin was extremely interesting because of the story. As Coffin talked about his mother and the hardships that their family went through while their dad had left them was inspiring. The mother, sister, or himself never let them stop them from living their dreams. His article was interesting too because I think of the title, because the father went out to sea in a sense because he was serving in the army but you always think they are going to come back to you. In this case he moved on to another family, and there really was no explanation so you get to see more of where Jaed was coming from. The video, "How To Ruin Everything" really gave a different look on reading, the humor that was added really helped to keep watching the video because it made it more relatable and wanting yourself to hear more. Modes add a lot to memoirs because it gives a sense of realism. You read something and think, "Ok, that is it", but it's not. There is so much more to a memoir when there is different modes. You can hear what really wants to be said and why it is exaggerated or emphasized. The voices give more of an understanding to the reading which helps you gravitate towards it more. 


  1. I agree, the vulnerability of these narrators are definitely exemplified through these medias! I also enjoyed the added humor, sometimes cracking a joke or two can really help one get through difficult topics and emotions.


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